«El último vuelo del Sunbreeze» de José Luis Capel

The movie «The last flight of the Sunbreeze» by José Luis Capel is now available

The movie “The last flight of the Sunbreeze”, a documentary directed by José Luis Capel that reviews the events that occurred during the accident of the Spanair flight JK5022, which caused the death of 154 people on August 20, 2008, is now available .

The documentary highlights the failures, irregularities and errors that reduce the responsibility of Antonio García Luna and Javier Mulet, Spanair pilots who died in the accident and were blamed by the Provincial Court of Madrid.

Carlos Villacorta, managing partner of BCV Lex, has participated in the filming of the documentary. Together with the BCV Lex team, he represented a first group of relatives of victims of Spanish and French nationality, both in the criminal investigation phase and in subsequent civil actions for compensation, in which a remarkably satisfactory compensation agreement was reached for the represented clients.

Also, BCVLex was especially active in the different phases of the accident instruction, with the aim of demonstrating the existence of many factors that directly affect the official version (which blames the pilots).

Also, in 2014, the firm defended another group of clients, composed of families of the victims but also of survivors, in an action brought before the courts of Madrid against the insurance company of Spanair.

We thank José Luis Capel and the entire documentary team for the great research and dissemination work carried out around this terrible accident.