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International Commercial Law Attorneys

Expert Lawyers in International Commercial Law

As specialized lawyers in international commercial law, our primary focus is to advise companies and individuals on legal matters related to international trade. With a deep understanding of the national and international laws governing commercial transactions between different countries, at BCVLex, we are committed to providing effective and strategic legal solutions that enable our clients to safely and profitably expand their operations on a global scale.

International Commercial Law Attorneys

We work closely with our clients to understand their business needs and objectives, providing customized legal solutions that minimize risks and maximize opportunities on the international stage. Our passion and expertise in international commercial law, as well as our dedication to safeguarding our clients’ interests, are the pillars and the DNA of BCVLex’s professional approach.

We protect the interests of your company by adhering to the law, allowing you to focus on the growth and development of your business.

We cover the most demanded practices for B2B (business to business): if you’re looking for a legal team specialized in cross-border corporate and business matters, you’re in the right place.

We offer effective and high-quality legal solutions to meet the needs of companies based in Spain or France and effectively address the legal challenges they face.

We provide strategic advice based on our robust experience.



We are closer than you imagine: we have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. It is now much easier to meet your interests and needs in person.



We have been providing customized solutions for more than 30 years in more than 15 areas of law that today are part of our most demanded services.



We develop our functions under strict values, among which ethics, commitment, and transparency stand out; always ready to handle your case successfully.

Legal Assistance in International Commercial Law

Has your company faced situations of corporate liability? Do you need to manage debt recovery? Are you seeking guidance in corporate law? Are you looking for a flat-rate legal backup for your company?

At BCVLex, we offer comprehensive solutions in the field of commercial law for companies. Here are some of the services we provide:

At BCVLex, we are committed to providing companies with the best legal assistance. Whatever your need in the commercial field, we are here to help.

  • We provide advice in 15 legal areas of practice.
  • We are part of the Global Justice Network.
  • We work with international lawyers in more than 35 countries.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of Spain in Bordeaux.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of France in Madrid
  • We offer personalized attention in French, Spanish, and English.
  • Our firm is made up of native lawyers from France and Spain.
  • We have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. We are close to you!

International Commercial Law Services for Companies

Corporate Civil Liability

With offices in Spain and France, and being part of various lawyer networks that provide us with connections practically all over the world, our law firm boasts solid experience in international matters and cross-border litigations.

We can assist you in understanding and complying with laws and regulations applicable in various jurisdictions.

We can advise and represent your company in the event of litigation in France or Spain.

Debt recovery / Collection law

BCVLex is an international law firm with extensive experience in resolving commercial disputes and effectively collecting national or international debts.

We advise companies so that contracted debts are settled as soon as possible, avoiding, as far as possible, a legal claim.

Our scope of action includes, among others, the following actions related to debt collection:

  • Claims for payment of monetary debts between companies.
  • Claims on bills of exchange, checks, and promissory notes.
  • Claims for breach of contract.
  • Claims for unpaid rents and owed amounts.
  • Claims for civil liability. Our lawyers will advise you on initiating an extrajudicial claim and establishing effective negotiation that allows for debt collection without incurring additional costs.

If, through extrajudicial means, the desired objective is not achieved, our team of professionals will defend your interests in court to have your claim recognized, and the debtor obliged to settle the debt.

All of this considering the specific circumstances and timing of each case.

We will guide and advise you throughout each phase of the procedure.

Corporate Law

BCVLex offers expert legal services in corporate law, addressing everything from company formation to conflicts between shareholders, all with the aim of protecting the integrity and future of your business:

  • Company formation.
  • Drafting of by-laws.
  • Shareholder agreements.
  • Change of administrator.
  • National and international commercial contracting: drafting and negotiation of all types of business contracts, advising the contracting parties regarding their selection, based on their legal nature, terms, and conditions:
  • Goods sale. Supply contracts.
  • Service provision contracts (transportation…).
  • Lease contracts.
  • Loan contracts.
  • Patent and trademark assignment contracts.
  • Legal protection strategies and defense of the company in case of litigation.
  • Defense of minority shareholders.

ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution. Mediation

If you’re looking to resolve a conflict without resorting to a trial, we can assist you.

Various types of conflicts can arise within complex organizations, specifically in businesses, both internally and externally.

Mediation is the most effective alternative for the voluntary resolution of conflict, respecting the interests of the parties as much as possible; it represents an opportunity for growth and a clear cost saving.

Commercial mediation has been established for decades in English-speaking countries as an alternative and extrajudicial conflict resolution system (ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution). American businesses frequently use various techniques to resolve their commercial issues without turning to the courts.

Here are some benefits of commercial mediation compared to the judicial route:

  • Time and money savings.
  • Flexibility and minimal formality which allow discovering common interests.
  • Lower emotional cost: a peaceful mechanism that facilitates maintaining or improving communication.
  • More comprehensive solutions tailored to the specific case.
  • Voluntary nature of the process, both to start and to abandon it at any time, either with or without a resolution agreement. Unlike the judicial procedure, where one must accept the resolution proposed by the judge. This voluntariness also leads to a greater role and responsibility of the parties in the process, as they are the ones formulating the agreement with full autonomy, always complying with legality, which facilitates its future voluntary compliance.

At BCVLex, we have both qualified mediators and expert lawyers to accompany during a mediation process.

ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution. Arbitration

Some of the most delicate and complex matters of our clients are resolved through arbitration and not before jurisdictional courts, particularly those with an international component.

Thanks to BCVLex’s international nature, we possess direct knowledge of the legal, cultural, and sociological aspects of the various jurisdictions where we operate in the realm of commercial arbitration, in multiple languages, and applying different legislations.

Arbitration represents an alternative conflict resolution method vastly more agile than the judicial route, but with peculiarities that must be understood to successfully resolve a dispute, in both domestic and international arbitrations.

  • Advice and representation in actions before and after arbitration: from the configuration of the arbitration agreement to the recognition, execution, and annulment of arbitration awards.
  • Defense and representation in all types of judicial proceedings related to arbitration.
  • Advice and representation in other alternative conflict resolution methods.
International Commercial Law Attorneys

Prepaid Legal Plan. Flat Rate or Retainer for Companies:

BCVLex offers continuous advice and legal defense on those matters necessary for the proper management of a company. Our goal is to ensure that the administrative bodies have the tools and information needed to make suitable decisions from both a legal and commercial standpoint. This allows you to focus on the growth and development of your business while we ensure the legality of all its aspects.

One of the most sought-after services by our clients is the professional retainer, which through the payment of a tailored flat rate allows the client to have the necessary legal advice at any time and immediately. This facilitates early prevention or resolution of the issue, in areas such as:

  • – Civil procedures: all types of obligations, civil and commercial contracts, lawsuits and executions, monitoring procedures, abusive clauses, promissory notes, preparation and drafting of all types of extrajudicial writings, etc.
  • – Commercial Law: assistance at regular and extraordinary meetings, corporate conflicts, expansion of commercial companies.
  • – Management of unpaid debts: debt collection or claim services for companies and homeowners’ associations.
  • – Real Estate Law: contracts, evictions, buying and selling, claims for earnest money deposits, insurance, construction defects.

If you have a service company and need to rely on a competent external law firm, don’t hesitate and contact us to discuss without obligation the possibility of contracting a professional retainer.


Types of Prepaid Legal Plans


Service Basic Plan Upper Plan Complete Plan Premium Plan Integral Plan Maximum Integral Plan
Service €400/month €500/month €600/month €800/month €1,500/month €2,000/month
Consultations: phone, in-person, or via email; comprehensive legal advice for any legal matters within the scope of the company. 3 per month 5 per month 7 per month 10 per month 3 per week unlimited
Drafting or modification of contracts, writings, statutes… 4 per year 8 per year 16 per year 25 per year unlimited unlimited
Letters of complaint 4 per year (additional €50 each) 8 per year 16 per year 25 per year unlimited unlimited
Attendance at meetings and negotiations not included not included 4 per year 8 per year 16 per year 30 per year
Judicial and extrajudicial proceedings up to €35,000 in total annual amount up to €60,000 in total annual amount up to €100,000 in total annual amount up to €160,000 in total annual amount unlimited unlimited
Attorney’s fees 60% reduction on Attorney’s fees recommended by the Madrid Bar Association for matters not covered by the Plan 60% reduction on Attorney’s fees recommended by the Madrid Bar Association for matters not covered by the Plan 60% reduction on Attorney’s fees recommended by the Madrid Bar Association for matters not covered by the Plan 60% reduction on Attorney’s fees recommended by the Madrid Bar Association for matters not covered by the Plan 60% reduction on Attorney’s fees recommended by the Madrid Bar Association for matters not covered by the Plan 60% reduction on Attorney’s fees recommended by the Madrid Bar Association for matters not covered by the Plan
Price €400/month €500/month €600/month €800/month €1,500/month €2,000/month

* The amounts shown do not include VAT.

* Outlays, travel expenses, and costs of professionals not affiliated with the firm are not included.

* The service provision contract will be signed for a minimum period of 1 year.

* The service provision contract must remain in effect if it includes legal proceedings for the duration of those proceedings.

* The terms are subject to negotiation and modification, both by the firm and by the client in accordance with the circumstances and demands of the same.

* Retainers valid for the year 2023.

* Consultations will have a limit of 30 min/ 1 email each.

* Once this limit is exceeded, the client may choose for the excess to be billed according to the criteria of the relevant Bar Association with a 60% reduction (example: with a retainer limit of €60,000 for legal procedures, if claims are filed or responded to whose total amounts to €75,000, the firm would bill fees only for the excess €15,000 with a 60% reduction in the invoice), or switch to any higher retainer.

Contact us

At BCVLex, we are willing to evaluate your case for free to help you find a solution as quickly as possible.


Madrid Office:
C/ Velázquez 34, planta 6, oficina 601, 28001 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 577 6368

Barcelona Office:
C/ Roger de Llúria 84, Pral 08009 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 100 53 17

Bordeaux Office:
2 Rue des Trois Conils 33000 Bordeaux
Tel: +33 (0) 5 57 01 36 36

    Customer reviews

    With 25 years of experience in low and justice, our team is focused on delivering quality and value to our clients.

    International Commercial Lawyers

    BCVLex, a firm of international commercial lawyers committed to excellence and efficiency in providing legal services on a global scale.

    Our passion for international business law and our extensive experience in international matters set us apart in an increasingly interconnected business world. At our firm, we work tirelessly to provide comprehensive legal solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients in an ever-evolving business environment. Whether advising on cross-border commercial agreements, litigating in international jurisdictions, or helping companies navigate the complexities of global markets, we are here to provide strong and strategic legal guidance. Our mission is to simplify legal complexities and enable businesses to thrive on the international stage.

    What is International Commercial Law

    International commercial law, also known as international business law, is a branch of law that focuses on the legal relationships and commercial transactions involving companies and individuals from different countries. This area of law addresses specific issues related to cross-border trade and international operations with the aim of regulating and facilitating business activities across different jurisdictions.

    Specialized International Commercial Lawyers: Legal Services

    As international commercial lawyers, we provide a legal framework that allows businesses to operate internationally, establishing rules and regulations for dispute resolution, protection of intellectual property rights, and facilitation of cross-border trade.

    Given the growth of globalization and the interconnection of economies, international commercial law plays a fundamental role in today’s business environment.

    International Commercial Law Services

    At BCVLex, we understand that international trade is a vital part of many business operations today, and each transaction, contract, or partnership comes with its own particularities and risks. Our expertise in International Commercial Law covers a wide range of areas, from drafting cross-border commercial contracts to resolving international disputes and protecting intellectual property in global markets.

    Every company faces unique challenges, and we are here to understand your specific needs and provide personalized services that help you achieve your goals in the global market. Let us be your trusted team for International Commercial Law matters, and together we will explore opportunities and overcome challenges in this exciting international landscape.

    International Commercial Contracts

    As international commercial lawyers, our work in the field of international commercial contracts is fundamental. We understand that in an increasingly globalized world, companies seek opportunities in foreign markets and need to structure their agreements to be robust and effective, while also compliant with the laws and regulations of different jurisdictions.

    International commercial law governs the formation, interpretation, and enforcement of commercial contracts between parties located in different countries. This can include sales agreements, distribution contracts, franchise agreements, and more.

    Our experience has allowed us to deal with a wide range of international commercial contracts, from sales contracts for goods and services, distribution and agency agreements, to licensing, franchising, and partnership agreements. We advise our clients on drafting and negotiating contracts that span multiple borders, understanding that each contract is unique and must be tailored to the specific needs of the parties involved and the legal environment in which they operate.

    In drafting these contracts, we strive to be meticulous in wording clauses that clearly establish the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as mechanisms for resolving disputes and litigation in case they arise. This is especially important in international contracts, where cultural and legal differences can pose a challenge, and dispute resolution may require mechanisms such as international arbitration.

    Additionally, we maintain a constant focus on compliance with international trade regulations and risk mitigation. This includes considering aspects such as customs laws, trade sanctions, and export-import regulations, ensuring our clients can conduct their cross-border operations legally and efficiently.

    International Business Law

    International Business Law encompasses a wide range of issues, from the establishment of foreign joint ventures to the restructuring of multinational corporations, including international mergers and acquisitions. We have advised companies from various sectors in creating foreign subsidiaries, negotiating shareholders’ agreements, and managing the legal and regulatory challenges associated with international expansion.

    In the field of international mergers and acquisitions, we have helped companies evaluate and mitigate legal, tax, and commercial risks, as well as structure transactions that are economically advantageous. Our experience extends to due diligence, negotiation, and drafting of purchase agreements, and obtaining regulatory approvals at both national and international levels.

    International Business Law addresses issues related to the creation, operation, and dissolution of multinational companies, such as joint ventures, foreign subsidiaries, international mergers and acquisitions.

    Our mission is to simplify and clarify these legal challenges, allowing companies to expand and thrive in international markets. By providing strategic advice and customized strategies, we help businesses navigate the complex international legal environment, ensuring compliance with local and global regulations and making the most of international opportunities.

    International Arbitration

    As international commercial lawyers, one of the key services we offer is international arbitration, a crucial tool for resolving cross-border commercial disputes. We understand that in a globalized business environment, companies often become embroiled in conflicts that transcend national borders and therefore require effective and neutral dispute resolution mechanisms.

    Our experience in international arbitration allows us to advise companies on choosing the most suitable dispute resolution method and drafting arbitration clauses in their international commercial contracts. Additionally, we have represented our clients in numerous arbitration proceedings, working closely with arbitrators and subject matter experts to ensure that disputes are resolved fairly and equitably.

    International commercial law regulates the formation, interpretation, and execution of commercial contracts between parties located in different countries. This may include sales agreements, distribution contracts, franchise agreements, and more.

    Advantages of International Arbitration by International Commercial Lawyers

    International arbitration offers significant advantages over litigation in national courts. Flexibility, confidentiality, and the ability to choose arbitrators with expertise in the specific field of the dispute are just a few of the reasons why companies opt for this approach. Moreover, arbitration awards are generally more easily enforceable in multiple jurisdictions, making the effective resolution of international disputes easier.

    Our experience in international arbitration covers a wide range of sectors and issues, from contractual disputes to investment disputes and construction arbitration. We have represented companies in arbitration proceedings administered by various international arbitration institutions and have helped our clients secure favorable resolutions in complex and sensitive commercial disputes.

    International Trade

    Our international trade service plays a crucial role in supporting businesses operating in global markets. We understand that international trade is a critical pillar of the global economy, and companies face unique challenges and opportunities when expanding their operations internationally.

    Our approach to international trade services covers a wide range of areas, from advising on import and export regulations to facilitating international sales agreements and managing cross-border commercial disputes. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their international trade operations comply with local and international regulations, minimizing risks and optimizing efficiencies.

    We help companies navigate the complex landscape of international trade agreements, free trade treaties, and customs regulations. This includes advice on tariffs, import and export restrictions, labeling requirements, and product certifications. Additionally, we stay updated on changes in international trade regulations, enabling us to provide our clients with accurate and timely information on how to adapt to changing regulations.

    International trade service also includes issues related to customs law, export and import regulations, free trade agreements, and international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) that oversee international trade.

    In facilitating international sales agreements, we assist in drafting contracts that reflect our clients’ interests and ensure that commercial transactions are clear and equitable. We address issues related to delivery conditions, payment terms, warranties, and penalties for breach. We are also aware of the tax and customs implications in international trade operations and provide guidance on how to minimize tax and operational risks.

    Moreover, in the case of international commercial disputes, we offer dispute resolution strategies ranging from negotiation and arbitration to litigation in foreign jurisdictions. Our goal is to ensure that companies can efficiently and effectively resolve their differences without compromising their position in the international market.

    International Maritime and Transportation Law

    Our international commercial lawyers provide comprehensive services in the field of maritime and transportation law, crucial areas in a globalized world where international trade and logistics are vital to business operations.

    Our maritime and transportation law service covers a wide range of legal aspects related to the international transport of goods and people. We work closely with companies, shipping companies, freight forwarders, insurers, and other parties involved in the global supply chain to ensure that their operations comply with maritime and transportation regulations.

    In terms of maritime transport, we provide guidance on issues such as charterparty contracts, transportation agreements, cargo insurance, and carrier liability. This includes drafting and negotiating maritime transportation contracts, resolving disputes related to cargo damage, and implementing risk management strategies to protect our clients in maritime operations.

    Maritime transportation law regulates issues related to the international transportation of goods by sea, air, land, and rail, including charterparty contracts, cargo insurance, and carrier liability.

    In land and rail transportation, we are familiar with local and international regulations governing cargo and passenger operations. We provide guidance on land transportation contracts, logistics agreements, and land cargo insurance, as well as assistance in resolving disputes in case of accidents, cargo damage, or delivery delays.

    International trade heavily relies on air transportation, and in this regard, we advise our clients on air transportation contracts, air cargo insurance, and issues related to airline liability. We also offer guidance on international air transport regulation and regulations affecting the aviation industry.

    Furthermore, in a world where risk management is essential, we help companies assess and mitigate legal and operational risks associated with international transportation. This includes compliance with customs regulations, contingency management in case of unforeseen events, and efficient and favorable dispute resolution in case of transportation issues.

    International Intellectual Property

    As international commercial lawyers, our International Intellectual Property service is a fundamental pillar in protecting and managing the intangible assets of companies in an increasingly globalized and digital world.

    Intellectual property encompasses a variety of rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and industrial designs. We help our clients safeguard their intellectual assets in multiple jurisdictions, which is essential in an ever-evolving global business environment.

    International Intellectual Property law regulates intellectual property rights in an international context, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

    International Commercial Lawyers: Trademarks, Patents, and Copyrights

    As international commercial lawyers, we understand the critical importance of intellectual property in a globalized business world. Our International Intellectual Property service focuses on safeguarding and maximizing the value of our clients’ intangible assets across multiple jurisdictions, ensuring they can compete fairly and successfully on a global scale.

    • International Patents: In the field of patents, we advise companies on obtaining and protecting their inventions internationally, assessing patentability and coordinating patent applications in different countries. We also provide support in defending and enforcing patents, both in litigation and licensing agreements.
    • International Trademark Registration: Trademarks are critical assets for a company’s identity. We help our clients register and protect their trademarks worldwide, including trademark availability searches, trademark application processing, and defending trademarks against potential infringers.
    • Copyrights: In the field of copyrights, we provide guidance on how to protect creative works, from texts and artwork to software and digital content. This may involve copyright registration, drafting licensing agreements, and resolving disputes in case of infringement.
    • Trade Secrets: Trade secrets are valuable assets for many companies. We provide advice on how to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive business information and take legal action against those who attempt to steal or disclose trade secrets.
    • Industrial Design: Industrial design is essential in protecting the aesthetics and functionality of products. We help companies register and protect their industrial designs in key jurisdictions, ensuring the legal backing of their product aesthetics.

    Our goal is to provide companies with comprehensive protection for their intellectual assets on an international scale. This includes assistance in negotiating licensing agreements, resolving intellectual property disputes, and ongoing monitoring of potential infringements.

    Hiring International Commercial Lawyers: Experience and International Protection

    Hiring international commercial lawyers is essential for companies looking to operate in a globalized environment and address the legal challenges that arise in international contexts.

    • Legal Compliance: Business laws and regulations vary significantly from one country to another. International commercial lawyers help ensure that a company’s operations comply with local and international regulations, minimizing the risk of non-compliance and potential legal sanctions.
    • Risk Mitigation: International commercial lawyers can identify and mitigate risks associated with international trade, such as customs, tax, intellectual property, and contract risks. This helps protect the company’s interests and prevent costly disputes and litigation.
    • Expansion Strategies: International commercial lawyers provide strategic advice on expanding into new markets, establishing foreign subsidiaries, and acquiring overseas companies.
    • International Dispute Resolution: Lawyers are essential for the resolution of cross-border disputes, whether through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation. They can ensure that companies achieve fair and efficient outcomes in case of conflicts.
    • Knowledge of Local Regulations: International commercial lawyers understand the local laws and regulations of multiple jurisdictions, which is essential to avoid legal obstacles and ensure successful business operations abroad.
    • Adaptation to Globalization: In an increasingly interconnected world, specialized legal advice in international commercial law is essential for companies to leverage global opportunities and adapt to changes in the business environment.
    • Time and Resource Savings: Having expert international commercial lawyers allows companies to focus on their core business activities while delegating legal matters to qualified professionals.

    Having a team of international commercial lawyers is essential to protect a company’s interests in global trade, ensure legal compliance, and make the most of international opportunities while minimizing risks and disputes.

    BCVLex: International Commercial Lawyers at Your Service

    If your company is immersed in the exciting and challenging world of international trade, then you know that specialized legal advice is an invaluable asset. In a globalized context, with interconnected markets and opportunities emerging around the world, having a team of international commercial lawyers is more than just a legal precaution; it’s a smart strategy that can make the difference between success and uncertainty.

    In our team of international commercial lawyers, we understand the complexities and opportunities presented by global trade. We are passionate about international commercial law and are committed to providing your company with solid and strategic legal support to thrive in this exciting international environment.

    Our focus goes beyond mere compliance with regulations and overcoming legal obstacles that may arise in cross-border operations. Beyond that, we are committed to being your strategic allies in the pursuit of new opportunities, risk mitigation, dispute resolution, and maximizing your growth potential on the international stage.

    Contact us today to discover how our team of international commercial lawyers can be your strategic partner in the world of international business. We are here to simplify legal complexities and enable your company to reach new heights on the global stage. Your international success starts here!