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International Criminal lawyers

  /  International Criminal lawyers

International Criminal Lawyer: Expert lawyers in Spain

Are you involved in a criminal litigation and need a lawyer to know your rights? 

We intervene quickly and efficiently in complex criminal proceedings in which there is an international component (the person being investigated, or the victims, are foreign).

The BCVLex Abogados team are experts in international criminal law and advises companies and individuals resident in Spain or France on matters or litigation related to the neighboring country.

International Criminal lawyers



We are closer than you imagine: we have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. It is now much easier to meet your interests and needs in person.



We have been providing customized solutions for more than 30 years in more than 15 areas of law that today are part of our most demanded services.



We develop our functions under strict values, among which ethics, commitment, and transparency stand out; always ready to handle your case successfully.

International Criminal lawyers: Legal advice

Our experience is rich and varied. It includes criminal proceedings arising from collective disasters for the investigation of potential criminal liability or, among others, crimes of:

  • Injuries
  • Theft
  • Robbery
  • Scams
  • Document Falsification
  • Homicide
  • Coercion or threats
  • Breaches of sentence

Our goal is to provide the best possible advice to our clients and to guarantee their right to a fair trial.

  • We provide advice in 15 legal areas of practice.
  • We are part of the Global Justice Network.
  • We work with international lawyers in more than 35 countries.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of Spain in Bordeaux.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of France in Madrid
  • We offer personalized attention in French, Spanish, and English.
  • Our firm is made up of native lawyers from France and Spain.
  • We have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. We are close to you!

Do you need international criminal lawyers? Contact us

At BCVLex, we are willing to evaluate your case for free to help you find a solution as quickly as possible.


Bordeaux Office:
2 Rue des Trois Conils 33000 Bordeaux
Tel: +33 (0) 5 57 01 36 36

Madrid Office:
C/ Velázquez 34, planta 6, oficina 601, 28001 Madridd
Tel: +34 91 577 6368

Barcelona Office:
C/ Roger de Llúria 84, Pral 08009 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 100 53 17

    Customer reviews

    BCVLex: International criminal lawyer in Spain

    We are international criminal lawyers specialized in law related to criminal matters that involve people, companies or organizations in different countries. Our attorneys have experience representing people accused of international crimes, which may include drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, terrorism, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, among others.

    Our international criminal lawyers can also represent victims of international crimes, as well as advise companies and organizations on compliance with international criminal laws. Our experience as international criminal lawyers is endorsed by having specialized training in international criminal law and having in-depth knowledge of the legal systems of different countries and international law.

    International Criminal Law

    International criminal law refers to the laws and norms that govern the prosecution and punishment of serious international crimes, such as genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and aggression. These crimes are considered of special concern to the international community and are considered serious violations of international law.

    International criminal law applies to both individuals and entities, including states and international organizations. International courts, such as the International Criminal Court, are responsible for investigating and prosecuting these crimes.

    Lawyers specializing in international criminal law have in-depth knowledge of international treaties and laws governing these crimes, as well as the procedures and rules applicable in international courts. They also represent people accused of these crimes and victims of them.

    Our functions as international criminal lawyers

    As experienced international criminal law attorneys, our roles can vary based on the specific case and client needs, but some of the more common roles include:

    • Advice: An international criminal lawyer can advise individuals, companies or organizations on the international criminal laws and regulations that apply to their specific situation.
    • Representation in legal proceedings: An international criminal lawyer can represent a client in international legal proceedings, such as in the International Criminal Court or in national courts, in cases involving international crimes.</li >
    • Investigation: An international criminal lawyer can carry out investigations to gather evidence in defense of the client, either to prove his innocence or to reduce his guilt.
    • Settlement Negotiation: An international criminal lawyer can negotiate settlements with authorities to reduce their client’s sentence or to avoid additional charges.
    • Victim Representation: An international criminal lawyer can also represent victims of international crimes and help them obtain justice and redress.
    • Protection of human rights: international criminal lawyers can also be involved in the promotion and protection of human rights, working with international organizations and NGOs to ensure that human rights are respected in proceedings judicial and in the prosecution of international crimes.

    Criminal lawyers for international litigation

    International litigation refers to legal disputes involving individuals, companies, or governments from different countries. These disputes can arise for a variety of reasons, such as violation of international contracts, intellectual property disputes, international regulatory compliance issues, among others.

    International litigation can be very complex due to the cultural, linguistic and legal differences between the countries involved. For this reason, lawyers specializing in international litigation must be familiar with the laws and regulations of the countries involved, as well as legal procedures and cultural and negotiation norms.

    International disputes may be resolved through international arbitration, international courts, national courts or out-of-court dispute resolution agreements. The choice of the appropriate route depends on the type of litigation, the parties involved and the interests at stake.