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Professional International Lawyers, Genealogists & Notaries

  /  Professional International Lawyers, Genealogists & Notaries

Professional International Lawyers, Genealogists & Notaries

Are you a legal professional and do you need the assistance of a law firm specialized in international law?

BCVLex is based in France and Spain, with an excellent team of leading international lawyers with extensive experience in this field. This allows us to collaborate with other legal professionals to successfully handle cross-border matters, mainly between France, Spain and the UK. The transnational nature of our lawyers enables us to deal effectively with all types of international matters.

International Mediation & Arbitration lawyers



We are closer than you imagine: we have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. It is now much easier to meet your interests and needs in person.



We have been providing customized solutions for more than 30 years in more than 15 areas of law that today are part of our most demanded services.



We develop our functions under strict values, among which ethics, commitment, and transparency stand out; always ready to handle your case successfully.

Legal advice: Legal Advice Professional International Lawyers, Genealogists & Notaries


We receive numerous requests from foreign lawyers who need our assistance in matters related to accident claims. For example, personal injury claims in cases of tourist accidents suffered by their clients during a stay in our territory while on holiday. We also take care of any claims in case of air, land or sea accidents. For this purpose, we have a team of lawyers who are experts in civil liability claims. This allows us to advise foreign professionals on issues of jurisdiction or on the law that will be applicable to the case in question. For this purpose, we draw up numerous certificates of law.


We also cooperate with foreign genealogists and notaries.

Genealogists are professionals who are dedicated to knowing and discovering the origin and provenance of families. We offer them a service in which we contact the heirs of deceased persons, and we also advise them on the inheritance system in the country in which they are to inherit.

These professionals request our assistance in transnational inheritances, as there are numerous cases of French clients with property in Spain and vice versa. To this end, we have a team specialised in international inheritance that provides services to foreign professionals who need advice from lawyers who are experts in international law as well as in Spanish and/or French law.

We collaborate in the preparation of powers of attorney or before the Spanish consulate of the client’s country of residence; European inheritance certificates; deeds of acceptance, partition and liquidation of inheritances; donations, etc. We also advise and manage the filing of capital gains and inheritance taxes, register the real estate in the Land Registry, liquidate bank accounts, investment funds or other shares resulting from the inheritance and advise on the purchase and sale of real estate.

If you need the collaboration of a law firm specialized in international law as a professional, the BCVLex team invites you to contact us. We will study the case, in order to provide you with direct solutions in the field or specialty you need, as well as providing protection and representation for your client abroad.

  • We provide advice in 15 legal areas of practice.
  • We are part of the Global Justice Network.
  • We work with international lawyers in more than 35 countries.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of Spain in Bordeaux.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of France in Madrid.
  • We offer personalized attention in French, Spanish, and English.
  • Our firm is made up of native lawyers from France and Spain.
  • We have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. We are close to you!

Contact us

At BCVLex, we are willing to evaluate your case for free to help you find a solution as quickly as possible.


Madrid Office:
C/ Velázquez 34, planta 6, oficina 601, 28001 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 577 6368

Barcelona Office:
C/ Roger de Llúria 84, Pral 08009 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 100 53 17

Bordeaux Office:
2 Rue des Trois Conils 33000 Bordeaux
Tel: +33 (0) 5 57 01 36 36

    Customer reviews

    Legal Assistance to Notaries, Lawyers, and Foreign Genealogists

    BCVLex, as an international law firm, deeply values the importance of collaboration and comprehensive legal assistance. In our constant pursuit of providing quality legal services, we have established strong connections with other legal professionals, including lawyers, genealogists, and notaries abroad.

    We firmly believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration to provide complete solutions to our clients. Collaborating with other experts allows us to leverage a wide range of knowledge and experiences, ensuring that we can effectively address the legal challenges that may arise in different jurisdictions.

    Collaboration networks among foreign lawyers and legal professionals are organizational structures or platforms that facilitate connection, communication, and collaboration between lawyers and other legal experts from different countries. These networks aim to promote cooperation and the exchange of knowledge to address legal challenges spanning multiple jurisdictions.

    We work hand in hand with legal professionals abroad, sharing resources, knowledge, and best practices to ensure that our clients receive the most comprehensive and accurate legal advice.

    This collaboration network not only strengthens our ability to provide high-quality legal services but also enables us to address complex cases involving legal, genealogical, and notarial aspects in different parts of the world. We are excited to continue expanding our connections and collaborations, aiming to offer our clients truly global and personalized legal solutions.

    In our ongoing commitment to legal excellence, we look forward to further building bridges with outstanding professionals worldwide, ensuring that we can exceed our clients’ expectations and provide the necessary support in any legal situation they may face.

    Collaborations with Foreign Lawyers

    Globalization has transformed the nature of legal challenges, and to effectively address the complexities of cross-border cases, we have cultivated strategic relationships with prominent lawyers abroad.

    These collaborations not only expand our geographical reach but also enrich our legal perspective by providing a deeper understanding of cultural and legal differences in various jurisdictions. Working hand in hand with foreign lawyers allows us to offer our clients comprehensive and tailored advice specific to legal contexts.

    Advantages of Collaborations with Foreign Lawyers

    By collaborating with lawyers abroad, we not only exchange knowledge and best practices but also leverage the diversity of experiences to find creative and effective solutions to the most complex legal challenges.

    Mutual trust and transparency are the pillars of our international collaborations. We work closely and cohesively with our colleagues abroad to ensure smooth communication and a consistent legal strategy in cases involving multiple jurisdictions.

    • Global Legal Experience

      Collaborations provide access to a wide range of legal knowledge and experiences in different jurisdictions, enriching the global understanding of the professionals involved.

    • Adaptability to Cultural and Legal Differences

      Collaborating with foreign lawyers brings a deeper understanding of cultural and legal differences that may influence a case. This facilitates the adaptation of legal strategies to comply with local regulations and cultural expectations.

    • Expansion of Professional Networks

      International collaboration expands professional networks, potentially resulting in acquiring new clients, case referrals, and business opportunities.

    • Access to Complementary Resources

      Each jurisdiction may have its specific legal resources. Collaborating with foreign lawyers provides access to these resources, such as legal databases, local experts, and other elements that can strengthen a case’s defense.

    • Efficient Handling of Cross-Border Cases

      In cases involving multiple jurisdictions, collaboration between lawyers in different countries allows a coordinated and efficient approach to addressing complex legal challenges that arise in cross-border contexts.

    • Creative Solutions Among Lawyers

      The diversity of perspectives arising from international collaboration encourages the generation of creative legal solutions. The exchange of ideas among professionals with diverse backgrounds can lead to innovative approaches to problem-solving.

    • Improved Efficiency and Cost Reduction

      Collaboration can enable the efficient distribution of workload, with each lawyer focusing on their areas of expertise. This not only enhances efficiency but can also help reduce costs associated with research and case preparation.

    • Quick Problem Resolution

      Collaboration facilitates a swift resolution of problems by leveraging the combined expertise of lawyers in different jurisdictions. This can be crucial in legal situations that require prompt responses.

    Collaborations between Lawyers and Foreign Notaries

    In our law firm, we recognize the importance of establishing strategic collaborations with foreign notaries to provide our clients with comprehensive and efficient legal services. Collaboration with notaries abroad is crucial for addressing legal aspects that require the authentication of documents, certification of signatures, and other notarial acts in diverse jurisdictions.

    Our alliance with foreign notaries not only expands our ability to offer comprehensive legal services in cross-border matters but also ensures the validity and legality of relevant documents in each relevant jurisdiction. Collaborating with local notaries in different countries allows us to navigate effectively through specific notarial requirements and ensure compliance with local regulations.

    Advantages of Collaborations with Foreign Notaries

    Collaboration between a law firm and foreign notaries can offer numerous advantages, contributing to a more comprehensive and efficient provision of legal services.

    These advantages underscore the importance of establishing strong collaborative relationships between law firms and foreign notaries, maximizing the effectiveness and quality of legal services in a globalized environment.

    • International Validation

      Collaboration with foreign notaries ensures that legal documents are valid and recognized internationally, providing security and authenticity in global legal transactions.

    • Efficiency in Cross-Border Procedures

      Working in conjunction with notaries abroad streamlines notarial processes in cases involving multiple jurisdictions, optimizing the process for our clients.

    • Local Knowledge and Specific Regulations

      Local notaries possess in-depth knowledge of the specific regulations in their jurisdiction, which is crucial to ensuring compliance with local legal and notarial requirements.

    • Personalized Advice

      Collaboration allows for personalized advice regarding the specific notarial requirements and practices of each country, ensuring that our clients receive the most accurate guidance.

    • Reduction of Errors and Legal Issues

      Working hand in hand with foreign notaries reduces the likelihood of notarial errors and legal problems, as we have the local expertise necessary to successfully address any challenges that may arise.

    • Expansion of Legal Services

      Collaboration with foreign notaries allows us to expand our range of legal services, offering our clients comprehensive solutions that encompass both notarial and legal aspects.

    Collaborations between Our Lawyers and Foreign Genealogists

    Collaborating with genealogists abroad is essential when dealing with cases involving genealogical, hereditary, or succession planning aspects that span different borders.

    Such collaborations between international legal professionals not only expand our network of resources but also enhance our ability to trace and verify genealogical information in international contexts. This is particularly crucial in cases requiring the identification of heirs, the investigation of estates, or the resolution of succession matters in different jurisdictions.

    Benefits of Alliances between Lawyers and Foreign Genealogists

    Collaborations and alliances with foreign genealogists reinforce our commitment to providing comprehensive legal services tailored to the complexities of cases that span borders. The combination of our firm’s legal expertise with the genealogical specialization of foreign professionals allows us to offer complete and accurate solutions to our clients in the international legal and succession field.

        • Access to Local Records and Archives

          Foreign genealogists have access to local records and archives that are crucial for tracing family lineages and obtaining accurate genealogical information.

        • Understanding of Local Languages and Cultures

          Collaboration leverages the expertise of foreign genealogists, who understand the linguistic and cultural nuances that can impact genealogical research in their respective regions.

        • Verification of Crucial Information

          Genealogists play a key role in verifying and authenticating genealogical information, ensuring that data is accurate and reliable in legal cases that depend on this information.

        • Identification of Heirs and Beneficiaries

          Collaborating with foreign genealogists facilitates the identification of heirs and beneficiaries in succession situations involving family members located in different countries.

        • Specialized Advice on Genealogical Regulations

          Local genealogists are familiar with the regulations and specific genealogical practices of their jurisdictions, providing specialized advice in international legal and succession contexts.

        • Resource Optimization

          Collaboration allows for the optimization of resources by having genealogy specialists dedicated exclusively to genealogical research, while the legal firm focuses on the legal aspects of the case.

        • Efficient Resolution of International Cases

          Collaboration streamlines the resolution of international cases by involving expert genealogists who facilitate obtaining relevant information in each jurisdiction involved.

        • Adaptability to Diverse Cultural Contexts

          Collaboration with foreign genealogists ensures greater adaptability to diverse cultural contexts, which is essential for addressing family and succession matters in international environments.

    Global Legal Collaboration: Weaving International Alliances for Innovative Solutions

    Alliances and collaborations among foreign legal professionals are crucial in today’s globalized legal landscape. These partnerships offer a range of key benefits, such as access to diverse knowledge, the ability to efficiently address cross-border cases, and the expansion of legal services on an international scale.

    By working together, these professionals generate creative solutions, leverage local expertise to navigate specific regulations, and facilitate the resolution of multicultural legal matters. These collaborations not only strengthen the quality of legal services but also contribute to the development of global professional networks, building client trust and positioning law firms in an increasingly interconnected global legal context.