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Personal Injury Lawyers

  /  Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury lawyers

Have you had a land, sea or rail transport accident in Spain or abroad and want to claim compensation?

Our experts carry out in-depth investigations to help us provide an independent version of the facts and responsibilities, as well as obtaining the fairest reparation possible.

Personal Injury Lawyers



We are closer than you imagine: we have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. It is now much easier to meet your interests and needs in person.



We have been providing customized solutions for more than 30 years in more than 15 areas of law that today are part of our most demanded services.



We develop our functions under strict values, among which ethics, commitment, and transparency stand out; always ready to handle your case successfully.

Legal advice: Personal Injury Lawyers

Land, sea or rail accidents often involve operators, but also manufacturers, maintenance, supervision and control companies, as well as other suppliers, certification bodies and, sometimes, even the public administration itself or any other possible responsible.

BCVLex represents numerous victims and their families in matters related to the passenger transport.


  • We provide advice in 15 legal areas of practice.
  • We are part of the Global Justice Network.
  • We work with international lawyers in more than 35 countries.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of Spain in Bordeaux.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of France in Madrid.
  • We offer personalized attention in French, Spanish, and English.
  • Our firm is made up of native lawyers from France and Spain.
  • We have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. We are close to you!

Contact us

At BCVLex, we are willing to evaluate your case for free to help you find a solution as quickly as possible.


Madrid Office:
C/ Velázquez 34, planta 6, oficina 601, 28001 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 577 6368

Barcelona Office:
C/ Roger de Llúria 84, Pral 08009 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 100 53 17

Bordeaux Office:
2 Rue des Trois Conils 33000 Bordeaux
Tel: +33 (0) 5 57 01 36 36

    Customer reviews

    Personal injury lawyers

    Lawyers specialized in passenger transport play an essential role in guaranteeing the safety and protection of users in the field of public and private transport. Our highly trained and committed professionals assume the responsibility of representing and defending the rights and interests of both passengers and transportation companies.

    In a context where mobility is crucial for the development of society, lawyers specializing in transportation of people face a series of complex challenges. Its main focus is to ensure that the rules and regulations established to guarantee the integrity and safety of travelers are rigorously complied with.

    In their day to day, these lawyers are dedicated to investigating and analyzing land, sea or rail transport accidents and collisions, seeking to determine responsibilities and possible negligence. They also handle cases involving personal injury, breach of transportation contract, fee and charge disputes, and any other legal matter related to the transportation of people.

    Their exhaustive knowledge of the legal framework that regulates the transport industry allows them to advise transport companies and drivers on how to comply with all legal obligations and minimize the associated risks. They also offer guidance to passengers affected by accidents or bad practices, ensuring that they obtain fair compensation for the damage suffered.

    The work of our lawyers for the transport of people is not only focused on conflict resolution, but also on prevention. We collaborate with regulatory authorities and transport organizations to promote policies that improve safety and efficiency in urban and long-distance mobility.

    Functions of a lawyer for the transport of people

    The functions of a lawyer specializing in the transport of people are diverse and are focused on protecting the rights and interests of users and transport companies. Some of our main tasks and responsibilities related to the transport of people include:

    Legal advice on land, sea, air or rail accidents

    Provide legal advice to transport companies and drivers on regulations and applicable laws in the field of passenger transport. This includes compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, as well as helping companies implement policies and practices that ensure passenger safety and avoid legal issues.

    Representation in litigation related to accidents

    Represent transportation companies and passengers in litigation cases related to traffic accidents, collisions, and other legal disputes. This involves investigating the facts, collecting evidence, presenting strong arguments, and defending the rights of your clients in court.

    Resolution of disputes related to passenger transport

    Help resolve disputes between transport companies and their clients, whether they are individual passengers or user groups. Seek amicable solutions and agreements that avoid going to trial when possible, but also be prepared to litigate in case an understanding cannot be reached.

    Contract negotiation

    Assist in the drafting and review of contracts related to the transportation of people, such as agreements between transportation companies and drivers, insurance policies, terms and conditions for users, among others.

    Defense of passenger rights

    Protect the rights of passengers affected by accidents, injuries or any other situation in which they are harmed during transport. This may involve seeking damages or taking legal action against negligent companies.

    Regulatory Compliance

    Ensuring that transportation companies comply with all industry-specific regulations and standards. This can include things like licenses and permits, safety inspections, driver training, and accessibility policies for people with disabilities.

    Promotion of road safety policies

    Collaborate with authorities and regulatory bodies to improve policies and regulations related to safety in the transport of people. Participate in the promotion of measures that reduce accidents and improve the quality of mobility services.

    Research and legal update

    Keeping up to date with changes in legislation and jurisprudence related to the transport of people, which allows them to provide updated and effective advice to their clients.

    Advantages of having a lawyer for the transport of people

    Having a lawyer specialized in the transport of people offers numerous advantages for both transport companies and users. Some of the main advantages are the following:

    • Legal Compliance: An experienced passenger transport attorney ensures that companies comply with all industry-specific regulations and regulations. This helps to avoid penalties, fines and legal problems, and ensures that the transport operation is carried out legally and safely.
    • Protection of rights: A lawyer defends the rights and interests of both transport companies and users. In the event of disputes or litigation, the attorney will work to ensure that his clients are treated fairly and receive adequate representation.
    • Risk reduction: Legal advice from a specialized lawyer helps transport companies identify and mitigate potential risks, such as security problems, civil liability and regulatory issues. This can prevent situations that could result in accidents or lawsuits.
    • Conflict resolution: In the event of conflicts between transport companies and users, a lawyer can mediate and seek friendly solutions to avoid going to trial. This can save time and resources for both parties involved.
    • Access to legal resources: A lawyer has the resources and knowledge necessary to conduct thorough investigations in cases of traffic accidents and collisions. They can gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a strong defense for their clients.
    • Negotiation of contracts: A lawyer specialized in transportation of people can help in the drafting and negotiation of contracts with suppliers, drivers and other parties involved in the transportation operation. This ensures that your client’s interests are protected and that contracts are fair and equitable.
    • Up-to-date knowledge: An attorney with experience in moving people stays up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations in the industry. This guarantees that your clients receive advice based on current legislation and avoids problems derived from not knowing changes in regulations.
    • Preventive approach: A specialized lawyer not only focuses on resolving conflicts when they arise, but also takes a preventive approach to avoid legal problems in the future. Work to implement practices and policies that reduce the likelihood of accidents and disputes.

    Hire an expert transportation lawyer

    Hiring an expert transportation lawyer is a crucial decision for transportation companies and individuals seeking to protect their rights and ensure compliance with all legal regulations related to mobility and all types of land, sea, or rail accidents.

    • Experience and specialization: Make sure that the attorney you are considering hiring has specific experience and specialization in cases involving the transportation of people. Review their history and professional background to confirm that they have worked on similar cases and have the necessary knowledge.
    • Credentials Assessment: Check the attorney’s credentials and licenses to ensure they are properly licensed to practice law in your area. You can check with the local bar association to confirm the validity of their license and if they have faced any complaints or penalties in the past.
    • Initial consultation: Once you’ve selected a few potential attorneys, schedule an initial consultation. Many lawyers offer a free first consultation to discuss the case and see if they can help you. Take this opportunity to explain your situation and ask questions about their experience and legal approach.
    • Communication skills and empathy: It is important that you feel comfortable with the lawyer and that they listen to you carefully. A lawyer with effective communication skills and empathy will be able to understand your needs and concerns, which will facilitate the process of working together.
    • Fees and Costs: Discuss the attorney’s fees and costs during the initial consultation. Make sure you have a clear understanding of how their fees are structured and whether they offer flexible payment options. Also ask about the additional expenses that could arise in the development of the case.
    • References and testimonials: Ask the attorney if they can provide you with references from past clients or testimonials that support their ability and results in passenger transportation cases.
    • Representation contract and agreement: Once you’ve chosen the right lawyer, be sure to sign a clear contract that specifies the terms of legal representation, including fees and the length of the agreement.

    Hiring an expert transportation lawyer is an essential step to ensure solid and effective legal advice in this specialized area. Taking the time to do your research and find the right attorney can make all the difference in protecting your rights and resolving mobility-related legal issues.