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Consumers Protection lawyers

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Expert lawyers in Consumers Protection Law

Do you think that you have been victim of an abusive clause or of commercial fraud? Have you suffered the consequences of an environmental disaster or medical negligence?

BCVLex pays great attention to consumers and user defense, having faced very different cases and also acted against very varied entities, always with the aim of achieving the best possible reparation for its clients.

International Mediation & Arbitration lawyers



We are closer than you imagine: we have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. It is now much easier to meet your interests and needs in person.



We have been providing customized solutions for more than 30 years in more than 15 areas of law that today are part of our most demanded services.



We develop our functions under strict values, among which ethics, commitment, and transparency stand out; always ready to handle your case successfully.

Legal advice: Consumers Protection lawyers

We deal with matters related to certain abusive clauses (insurance contracts or others), fraud committed through online commerce, harm caused by environmental damage, negligence related to the field of public health and medical negligence (delays or diagnosis and treatment errors, inadequate prescription of medication, medical actions contrary to professional ethics and scientifically established protocols, etc.).

This type of event usually cause damages of varying severity (physical, psychological and / or material) that those responsible and their insurers do not usually recognize and voluntarily indemnify. For this reason, a thorough technical analysis and legal strategy are always required in the field of private, national and international law.

  • We provide advice in 15 legal areas of practice.
  • We are part of the Global Justice Network.
  • We work with international lawyers in more than 35 countries.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of Spain in Bordeaux.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of France in Madrid.
  • We offer personalized attention in French, Spanish, and English.
  • Our firm is made up of native lawyers from France and Spain.
  • We have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. We are close to you!

Contact us

At BCVLex, we are willing to evaluate your case for free to help you find a solution as quickly as possible.


Madrid Office:
C/ Velázquez 34, planta 6, oficina 601, 28001 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 577 6368

Barcelona Office:
C/ Roger de Llúria 84, Pral 08009 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 100 53 17

Bordeaux Office:
2 Rue des Trois Conils 33000 Bordeaux
Tel: +33 (0) 5 57 01 36 36

    Customer reviews


    Lawyers for the defense of consumers and users

    Consumer attorneys play a vital role in protecting the rights and well-being of individuals who use products or services in the marketplace. These legal professionals specialize in representing consumers in legal disputes involving issues such as product quality, deceptive business practices, abusive contracts, or breaches of warranties. Its primary goal is to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and have access to legal remedies when they are harmed by unfair or negligent business practices.

    Below, we will further explore the essential role that lawyers play in consumer protection and how they contribute individually and collectively in defending the rights of those who use goods and services in today’s society.

    Functions of lawyers for the defense of consumers and users

    Consumer attorneys work to protect the rights of consumers and ensure they receive fair and equitable treatment in the marketplace, whether through individual legal representation or through class actions to address systemic issues. Their work is essential to maintain a balance between the interests of consumers and companies.

    Consumer defense attorneys perform various essential functions in protecting consumer rights in the marketplace. These functions may include:

    • Legal advice: Providing advice to consumers about their legal rights and options when they face problems related to products or services, such as purchasing defective products or entering into unfair contracts.
    • Legal representation: Representing consumers in legal disputes and litigation against companies or organizations that have infringed consumer rights. This may include filing civil lawsuits, mediation, or negotiating with the other party.
    • Investigation and evidence collection: Conduct thorough investigations to gather evidence to support the consumer’s case. This may include reviewing documents, obtaining testimonials, and consulting with experts in the relevant field.
    • Filing complaints with regulatory authorities: Help consumers file complaints with relevant government agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States, which oversee fair business practices and consumer protection.< /li>
    • Out-of-court dispute resolution: Working to resolve disputes outside of court through alternative methods, such as mediation or negotiation, with the goal of reaching favorable agreements for consumers.
    • Defense against legal actions: Defending consumers when they face lawsuits or legal actions by companies or organizations, ensuring that their rights are respected and that they are provided with an adequate defense.
    • Consumer education: Educate consumers about their rights and how to protect themselves from deceptive or abusive business practices by providing relevant information on consumer protection laws and regulations.
    • Promotion of legal changes: Participate in initiatives to promote changes in laws and regulations to strengthen consumer protection and advocate for reforms that benefit consumers.
    • Class representation: In some cases, consumer attorneys may represent groups of consumers in class action lawsuits to address widespread practices of a company that affect multiple individuals.

    Consumer and user rights

    Consumer and user rights vary by jurisdiction and country-specific legislation, but in general, there are certain fundamental rights that are generally protected in most consumer protection legislation around the world.

    Some of these consumer and user rights include:

    Right to information

    Consumers have the right to receive complete, accurate and transparent information about the products and services they are considering purchasing. This includes information on pricing, features, warranties, terms and conditions, and any other relevant details.

    The right to information is one of the fundamental rights of consumers and users in many jurisdictions. This right refers to the obligation of product and service providers to provide complete, accurate and transparent information to consumers before they make a purchase or contract a service.

    The right to information aims to protect consumers from misleading commercial practices, help them make informed decisions and ensure that they have the information necessary to exercise other rights, such as the right to choice and the right to complain. Regulatory agencies and consumer protection laws often establish specific standards to ensure compliance with this right. Consumers must be aware of their rights and be willing to demand the information necessary to make informed decisions in their business transactions.

    Right to choose

    Consumers have the right to freely choose between different products and services, without being subject to coercive or deceptive commercial practices.

    The right to choice is a fundamental principle in the protection of the rights of consumers and users. This right refers to the ability of consumers to make free and informed decisions about the acquisition of products and services, without being subject to coercive or deceptive commercial practices by suppliers.

    Put another way, the right to choice is essential to ensuring that consumers have control over their purchasing decisions and can make informed and conscious decisions. Governments and regulatory agencies often establish laws and regulations that promote and protect this right. In addition, consumers can make use of this right by informing themselves, comparing products and services, and making decisions that fit their individual needs and preferences.

    Right to security

    Products and services must be safe for their intended use, and consumers have the right to protection against products or services that may pose a risk to their health or safety.

    The right to security is a fundamental component of the rights of consumers and users. This right implies that consumers have the right to use products and services without running significant risks to their health, safety or physical integrity.

    The right to security seeks to guarantee that consumers can trust the products and services they purchase and that they are not exposed to unnecessary risks. Consumer protection laws and government regulations often establish specific standards and requirements to ensure that products and services are safe. Consumers also have an important role in exercising this right by educating themselves about the risks, following safety instructions, and reporting any problems they may encounter with the products or services they use.

    Right to privacy

    Consumers have the right to the protection of their personal information and data privacy, especially in the context of online transactions and the use of digital services.

    The right to privacy is a fundamental principle that applies both in daily life and in the field of commercial transactions and relationships with companies and service providers. Although privacy is not always specifically considered a consumer right, it is closely related to personal data protection and online security.

    Online privacy is especially relevant in the digital age, where the collection and use of personal data is common. Data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, set standards for consumer privacy and the protection of personal data. Consumers should be aware of their privacy rights and take steps to protect their personal information when interacting online and in business transactions.

    Right to claim and repair

    Consumers have the right to file complaints and seek redress if a product or service is defective or fails to meet expectations. This may include repair, replacement, refund or compensation for damages.

    The right to complaint and reparation is a fundamental component of the rights of consumers and users in many jurisdictions. This right refers to the ability of consumers to file complaints and seek redress when a product or service does not meet expectations or presents problems.

    The right to complaint and redress seeks to ensure that consumers receive quality products and services and that they have effective means to resolve problems when they arise. It is important that consumers know their rights in this regard and are willing to exercise them when necessary to protect their interests. Consumer protection laws typically establish specific standards and procedures for filing complaints and seeking redress.

    Right to guarantee

    In many countries, consumers are entitled to a minimum warranty that covers the repair or replacement of defective products for a reasonable period of time.

    The right to warranty is an important aspect of consumer and user rights in many jurisdictions. This right refers to the protection that consumers have when they purchase products or services and they do not meet expectations or present defects.

    The right to warranty is essential to ensure that consumers obtain quality products and services and are protected in the event of problems. Consumers should know their rights in relation to guarantees and be willing to exercise them when necessary. Additionally, it is important to retain warranty documentation and follow established procedures for filing a claim in the event of problems with a product or service. Consumer protection laws often establish specific standards and requirements regarding warranties.

    Right to withdraw

    In some jurisdictions, consumers have the right to withdraw from a contract within a specified period of time after purchase, without the need for justification.

    The right of withdrawal, also known as the right of withdrawal or the right of cancellation, is an important consumer right in many jurisdictions. This right allows consumers to cancel a contract or purchase within a specified period of time after completing the transaction, without needing to provide a specific justification or reason.

    The right of withdrawal gives consumers greater security when making online purchases or signing remote contracts, as it allows them to evaluate and test products or services in their own environment before fully committing. This right also contributes to the protection of consumers by giving them the option to rectify impulsive or ill-informed decisions. Consumer protection laws often establish specific rules regarding the right of withdrawal, so it is important for consumers to know and exercise this right where appropriate.

    Right to equality and non-discrimination

    Consumers have the right to be treated fairly and equitably, without discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.

    The right to equality and non-discrimination is a fundamental principle in the protection of the rights of consumers and users. This right refers to the obligation to treat all consumers fairly and equitably, regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other personal characteristics.

    The right to equality and non-discrimination seeks to ensure that all consumers are treated with dignity and respect, and that they have equal opportunities and access to the same benefits and services, regardless of their identity or personal characteristics. Consumer protection laws often include provisions that prohibit discrimination and promote equality, and regulatory authorities monitor compliance with these rules. Consumers can and should report any act of discrimination or unfair treatment they experience in the market or in the provision of services.

    Right to education and protection

    Consumers have the right to be educated about their rights and to be protected against abusive or deceptive business practices.

    The right to education and protection is fundamental for consumers and users, especially when it comes to making informed and safe decisions in the market. Although these rights are not always explicitly mentioned in consumer protection laws, they are related to consumers’ ability to make informed decisions and protect themselves from deceptive or harmful business practices.

    The right to education and protection is essential to empower consumers and help them make informed and safe decisions in the marketplace. Consumer protection laws and government regulations are often designed to promote these rights and ensure that consumers are properly informed and protected. Consumers can and should take advantage of these resources and rights to make informed decisions and protect themselves from unfair or harmful business practices.

    Right to legal representation

    Consumers have the right to seek legal advice and representation in the event of disputes or problems with products or services.

    The right to legal representation is an important component of the rights of consumers and users, especially when faced with situations where they require legal advice or representation in disputes with companies or service providers.

    The right to legal representation is essential to ensure that consumers have a level playing field when facing legal disputes or problems related to products and services. Legal representation can be especially important in complex cases or in situations where consumer rights are at stake. Consumer protection laws and government regulations often establish provisions that protect this right and facilitate access to legal advice and representation when necessary. Consumers should be aware of these rights and resources to make effective use of legal representation when necessary.