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Pecuniary Liability of the Administration lawyers

  /  Pecuniary Liability of the Administration lawyers

Expert lawyers in Pecuniary Liability of the Administration law

Have you suffered any damage as a result of incorrect action by the Spanish or French public administration? Are you looking for an expert in State liability?

The State’s liability is the compensatory obligation that the administrations must pay to persons harmed by the poor functioning of public services.

Both in Spain and France, at local and national level, individuals can assert their right to compensation.



We are closer than you imagine: we have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. It is now much easier to meet your interests and needs in person.



We have been providing customized solutions for more than 30 years in more than 15 areas of law that today are part of our most demanded services.



We develop our functions under strict values, among which ethics, commitment, and transparency stand out; always ready to handle your case successfully.

Legal advice: Pecuniary Liability of the Administration lawyers

The BCVLex team is made up of Spanish and French experts with extensive experience in this type of case. There are numerous examples of both foreign citizens and tourists who have suffered damages related to the actions or ineffectiveness of public administration. However, there are many cases of medical negligence, errors in the Tax or Legal Administration, falls on public roads in poor condition, etc.

  • We provide advice in 15 legal areas of practice.
  • We are part of the Global Justice Network.
  • We work with international lawyers in more than 35 countries.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of Spain in Bordeaux.
  • Accredited by the Consulate General of France in Madrid
  • We offer personalized attention in French, Spanish, and English.
  • Our firm is made up of native lawyers from France and Spain.
  • We have main offices in Madrid and Bordeaux and have offices in Paris and Barcelona at your disposal. We are close to you!

Contact us

At BCVLex, we are willing to evaluate your case for free to help you find a solution as quickly as possible.


Madrid Office:
C/ Velázquez 34, planta 6, oficina 601, 28001 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 577 6368

Barcelona Office:
C/ Roger de Llúria 84, Pral 08009 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 100 53 17

Bordeaux Office:
2 Rue des Trois Conils 33000 Bordeaux
Tel: +33 (0) 5 57 01 36 36

    Customer reviews

    Pecuniary Liability of the Administration lawyers



    Pecuniary Liability of the Administration lawyers play a crucial role in the pursuit of justice and equity in relationships between citizens and government entities. Public administration and its decisions can have a significant impact on the lives of people and their properties, the need for highly specialized legal professionals in this area is becoming increasingly evident.

    Pecuniary Liability of the Administration lawyers not only master the intricacies of state liability, but also have a thorough understanding of the specific regulations and case law governing this area of ​​law. The experience of any of our professionals ranges from cases of government negligence and excess of power to violations of fundamental rights by state authorities.

    Differences between patrimonial responsibility and patrimonial responsibility of the state

    The patrimonial responsibility and the patrimonial responsibility of the state are two different concepts in the legal field, and although both are related to the obligation to compensate for damages and losses, they differ in their scope and application. Here I explain the main differences between the two:

    Patrimonial Responsibility

    Patrimonial responsibility is a generic concept that applies to any person or entity, not just the State. It refers to the legal obligation of a party (it can be a person, a company, an institution, etc.) to financially compensate another party for damages caused due to negligent, reckless or illegal actions.

    It can arise in a variety of legal contexts, such as civil, contractual, professional, medical liability, among others.

    In the case of patrimonial responsibility, the obligation to compensate derives from actions or omissions that violate a legal or contractual duty, and does not necessarily imply an action by the State.

    Patrimonial Responsibility of the State

    The patrimonial responsibility of the State refers specifically to the obligation of the State or its government entities to indemnify citizens for damages and losses caused by acts or omissions of the public administration in the exercise of its functions.

    This responsibility is based on the principle that the State must act fairly and proportionately in its relations with citizens and cannot cause unjustified damage. When the State fails to fulfill its obligations and causes harm, it may be responsible for compensating the victims.

    In addition, State liability is often governed by country-specific laws and regulations and may have special requirements and limitations compared to general liability.

    Benefits can be provided by an expert lawyer in state patrimonial liability

    An expert state liability attorney can bring a number of significant benefits to those who seek their advice and representation in cases involving claims against the public administration.

    Some of these benefits include:

    • Specialized Knowledge: Attorneys skilled in this area have in-depth knowledge of the laws, regulations, and case law related to state liability. This allows them to identify specific legal opportunities and strategies to address cases effectively.
    • Evaluation of Cases: They can evaluate the validity and strength of a claim, determining if there is a solid basis to proceed legally. This helps clients avoid unnecessary and costly litigation if they do not have a strong case.
    • Personalized Advice: They provide personalized advice to their clients, explaining their legal rights and options in an understandable manner. This allows clients to make informed decisions about how to proceed.
    • Rough Preparation: The state’s personal liability attorneys conduct a thorough investigation, gathering the evidence, documentation, and witnesses necessary to support the claim. This ensures that the case is well founded and can be presented convincingly in court.
    • Negotiation: In many cases, these attorneys can negotiate with the government entity involved to seek a settlement before going to trial. This can speed up the process and avoid additional costs.
    • Trial Representation: If necessary, they represent their clients in court, presenting strong arguments and defending their rights in court.
    • Maximizing Compensation: They work to obtain the maximum compensation possible for their clients, which may include economic, moral or punitive damages, depending on the nature of the claim.
    • Saves Time and Stress: By having the experience and knowledge of a skilled attorney, clients can avoid costly and stressful mistakes they could make if they tried to handle the case themselves.< /li>
    • Protection of Rights: State liability attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of their clients and ensuring that they receive fair and equitable treatment in the legal process.
    • Accountability: By carrying out state liability cases, they contribute to government accountability and the guarantee that public authorities act with diligence and respect for the law.

    An experienced state liability attorney can make a significant difference in ensuring that people affected by wrongful government actions receive the legal support they need to seek redress and justice. Their experience and specialized knowledge are essential in navigating an often complex and challenging legal process.